Measurement and Evaluation

General Information

The measurement and evaluation process at the Faculty of Medicine is carried out in accordance with the Karabük University Faculty of Medicine Education, Teaching, and Examination Regulation—which covers matters related to education, teaching, and examinations—and the Examination Preparation, Implementation, and Evaluation Procedures and Principles to be followed in exams.

Within this framework, the measurement and evaluation are based on the following principles:

Exam Types and Structure

Examinations are organized in both theoretical (written and/or oral) and practical (applied and/or oral) formats. In exams, the questions posed to students must be prepared in a multiple-choice or open-ended format in accordance with the teaching objectives.

Attendance Requirements and Success Criteria

Students admitted to the program are required to attend at least 80% of practical classes and 70% of theoretical classes. Students who do not meet these attendance requirements are not allowed to take the exams and must repeat the relevant term or course. A threshold system is applied in the exams, whereby at least 50% of the theoretical points of the courses must be obtained. If this ratio is not met, the student's score is reduced proportionally.

Board and End-of-Term Examinations

Board exams are held at the end of each board for Term I, II, and III. These exams cover the content of the courses in the integrated system and are conducted in a multiple-choice, applied, or, in case of valid excuses, oral format.

In end-of-term exams, course boards are evaluated collectively. Students who fail are given a remedial exam. Those who score below 60 in the remedial exam must repeat the term.

Grading and Evaluation

The grading system is based on a scale of 100 points, which is then converted to letter grades. The passing grades are AA, AB, BA, BB, BC, CB, and CC, while the failing grades are FF, F1, and F2.

The Term Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by taking 60% of the board exam scores and 40% of the end-of-term exam scores. A minimum score of 50 is required in the end-of-term exam.

Excuse and Development Exams

Excuse Exams are held in cases of valid excuses accepted by the Faculty Board. However, excuse exams are not conducted for the end-of-term and remedial exams.

Development exams may be conducted once or twice a year to monitor the students' learning processes. If conducted, the results affect the term grade point average by 2.5%.

Student Performance Analysis

Exam results are analyzed by faculty members, term coordinators, and the faculty management. The difficulty level of the questions and student performance are examined, and the percentage of correct answers for each question is evaluated. Topics that do not meet the educational objectives are identified and incorporated into the curriculum development processes.

This process is implemented to ensure an objective evaluation of students' knowledge and skills and to enhance the quality of medical education.