Our Quality Policy

Karabuk University Faculty of Medicine


To design and update education and training in accordance with today's needs and technological developments, to provide contemporary educational conditions and opportunities.

Pursuing interdisciplinary innovation and entrepreneurship for international R&D outputs.

To improve the research opportunities of our faculty and to increase the number and quality of competitive publications with high impact value, to train physicians with a culture of inquiry and research.

To reach an effective position in the scientific field in Turkey and in the world, to improve the structure, content, learning, and measurement and evaluation processes of the pre-graduate medical education program.

Implementation of the Sustainable Quality Management System in units and programs.

A participatory management approach with defined processes, based on continuous evaluation and improvement.

To strive to keep our faculty at the national and international level at a unique, respected, and preferable level in accordance with our mission.

To raise the health level of the society in the provision of health services, to provide modern and quality health services, to increase the satisfaction of patients and health personnel.

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