About US



The Karabük University Faculty of Medicine was established depending on the decree numbered 210/103 dated 01.02.2010 and has 3 Divisions, namely Basic Medical Sciences, Internal Medicine Sciences and Surgical Medical Sciences; containing 20 professors, 6 associate professors, 55 assistant professors and 25 research assistants.
Since 2016-2017 Educational and Training Year, our students have started their education in the Karabük University Faculty of Medicine in Demirçelik Campus. In our faculty, education and training is carried out within the framework of the Core Education Program (CEP). Our educational and health training programs are carried out in the Karabük University Training and Research Hospital according to the common use protocol with the Ministry of Health.
The phases and classes of the education we are following in the Faculty of Medicine are as follows:
1. Learning of the healthy structure: 1st and 2nd grades education
2. Learning of the mechanisms of diseases: 3rd grade education
3. Learning of the diagnosis and treatment: 4th and 5th grades education
4. Family medicine (internship): 6th grade
Clinical and Professional Skills education is given to the students starting from the second semester of the first year for purpose of early clinical meeting. Additionally, the main and extended learning objectives of each disciplines are coded regarding to the hierarchy of year, educational block, and department for the delimitation of the education. In our faculty, the primary and secondary text books as learning sources are determined in accordance with the opinions of the educational committees and departments and the students are informed and a questionable education is structured within these limits. Pilot trials and sessions were conducted with the students for Problem Based Learning (PBL). From 2017-2018, PBL training will be carried out in at least one scenario in each course committee.
The education carried out in our faculty are dynamically reformatted in the light of structured feedbacks from the students and quick solutions are produced in case of unexpected situations.
As the Karabük University Faculty of Medicine, our primary goal is to educate physicians who have been educated in accordance with their needs, having high self-confidence, respecting to the national and moral values, proud of their families and having desire to serve the country and the nation.